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Book Publishing Process - Cover


Don’t judge a book by its cover. Of course we do, it’s the first element of a book that draws our attention. Unless we are on the search for a specific title, then what attracts our eye is what will motivate us to pick the book up. When we are in the midst of the book publishing process, we need to examine carefully the design of your cover to ensure it is effective, relevant and captivating.

As an author, you have worked hard to write your book and bring it into the book publishing process. However, it is essential you are also thinking ‘marketing’ at this stage and your best marketing tool will be your cover. Naturally, you want to make sure that the book reaches out to masses and sell well. Therefore, your book cover design has a vital role to play in catching the reader’s eye. If the cover is captivating and unique, it will surely draw the potential customer in. Primarily we want your cover design to trigger the interest and curiosity about its content. The design elements such as relevant imagery, colours, and fonts should give an indication.



So a potential customer will judge a book by its cover and if the design is simple, unique, and memorable, then, chances are they will think of buying the book. An impressive cover design almost compels people to spend some time with the book in their hands examining if they would buy it or not. At this point, they will most likely read the back cover blurb to learn more, hence why it is critical to have a concise and intriguing blurb that draws the reader in even further.


However, designing your book cover is not something we recommend you do solo. It is important you engage with professionals in the publishing industry, both designers and marketers to ensure that the cover represents you and the content accurately plus has the design elements needed to stand above others in its genre. An inexperienced designer will make some common mistakes, so don’t invest in low-grade designers, artists or even attempt this yourself if you have doubt.


Our designers follow some basic principles during the book publishing process both in formatting and specifically in the cover design. Let’s review them to give you an insight to what we would be considering as we design your cover. First, keep it simple. People do not have time to understand any hidden meaning in intricate designs. They simply will move on to the next book on the shelf if the design is too complex.

Book Publishing Australia
Book Publishing Australia
Book Publishing Australia
Book Publishing Australia
Book Publishing Australia
Book Publishing Australia


If you are writing your autobiography, it is recommended to use a photo of yourself on the front cover. If you are not very well known then you can look at something more general but autobiographies tend to position the author as a prominent figure or expert so it makes sense to highlight YOU.


In the title and/or subtitle or the by-line/tagline of the book, we need to feature a hook that keeps the reader engaged and interested. We should ensure we are incorporating the hook on the cover.


We will ensure that the colour scheme for your book cover design is in line with your book topic. This is because each colour has its own message for the readers. People get this message consciously or subconsciously whenever they see the colours in a design element.


The fonts for the book, both interior and cover, are critical in the book publishing process. We need to use fonts in your title that is capable of giving a personality to the book cover. Remember that while colours evoke feelings and emotions, fonts add personality to your cover. It is likely there will be two to three varying fonts used in your title, tagline, and author’s name. The author name font should be in line with your general branding to remain consistent.

Book Publishing in Australia
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